Thursday, January 11, 2007

A New Home For FRC Lima?

If you were with us last Saturday night for FRC Lima at Hotel Las Palmeras with Pastor Troy, then you saw that the room was full. Packed solid. Not enough room for even one more chair. Like sardines in a can!

There were 130 people at FRC Lima last Saturday night, and if you remember our Thanksgiving service in November, then you remember that we had 160 that evening. This means that we have a problem - a good problem! This means that we are growing at FRC Lima at a very fast rate!

This is very exciting, but it also means that we have run out of space at Hotel Las Palmeras. We love Hotel Las Palmeras. The hotel, and especially the general manager, Maria Fernanda, have been very good to us. But we're out of space. As we've told you before, the hotel has plans to build a new tower next door to the present one, with a 300-person conference room as part of it, but unfortunately there are problems for the hotel in trying to receive the necessary licenses from the municipality, and so now it looks like the new hotel tower and conference room will not be ready for at least one more year.

So, this means that we need to start looking for a new home for FRC Lima right away. We need your help! Please let us know of any ideas or contacts that you have for a new home for FRC Lima. We have already started to look at different hotels and cinemas and houses in and around San Isidro, but we want to know your ideas! If you have any ideas, thoughts, comments, or contacts for a new home for FRC Lima, then please respond to this blog.

It's very exciting to see what God is doing with FRC Lima, and you are a big part of it!


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