Thursday, March 08, 2007


This Sunday at 10:00 AM at Flamingo Road Church at Cineplanet Alcazar in Ovalo Gutierrez, we will be featuring a fantastic video teaching by Pastor Troy about the issue of Commitment. God is looking for people who are willing to make commitments in life. God is looking for people who are willing to dive into the deep end of the pool. God is not looking for people who only want to stick their toes in the water. This Sunday, Pastor Troy has a great message about how we can be more committed to God.

This Sunday is also going to be very exciting for many other reasons:

1. We will be giving away a gift certificate to Friday's Restaurant to the person who brings the most first-time guests.

2. All first-time guests will receive a special gift from us.

3. We will have popcorn and soda available for sale in the cinema lobby.

4. We will have a large variety of great English-language Christian books available for sale for 10-20 soles each.

5. We will have more information about how you can be part of the upcoming baptism we will be having.

6. We will have more information about the upcoming Holy Week Christian Film Festival we will be having at Hotel Las Palmeras.

As you can see, Sunday is going to be a very exciting day, so be sure to come, and be sure to invite all of your family and friends to come, too - and you might even win the gift certificate to Friday's Restaurant!


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