Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Screwing Up Purity

This weekend at Flamingo Road Church in Lima, Pastor Troy will be teaching about what to do when we've screwed up in the area of purity. This is a big problem for a lot of people. Just go to, and read the hundreds of stories there. Perhaps purity has been a problem area for you, too.

Be sure to come this weekend to watch this very important teaching about what to do when we've screwed up in the area of purity. It will change your life. Bring your friends, too!

Also remember that this Sunday is Mother's Day, and we will be having special "bocaditos" for everyone in honor of the special day, and we also will be having a Family Dedication, where you can dedicate your children to God, just as Hannah did with Samuel, and just as Joseph and Mary did with Jesus. Remember to register your children for the dedication, either by calling 441-1837, or by e-mailing me at


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