Sunday, August 26, 2007

Women's Literacy In Iquitos

The FRC Lima Tribal Church is off to a great start in Iquitos!

Pastor Samuel Silva and his wife, Selmia, are doing a great job. Each week they visit the Boras, the Yaguas, and other native communities, and minister to over 100 native tribespeople. One of the lessons we learned on our last trip to Iquitos was that none of the native tribeswomen of the Boras or Yaguas can read or write. We must change this, and change this we will! We have given Samuel and Selmia educational materials so that they can teach the Bora and Yagua women to read and write, and they will be starting this very important program very soon. This is exciting, because we are bringing help and hope and a future to these tribal women, and they are our beloved sisters in Christ. Soon they will be able to read the Bible on their own, and lead other tribal women to Christ. We here at FRC Lima are nourishing our sisters both spiritually and intellectually, and I know that they will take what they learn to glorify God and to help other women reach their God potential.

BTW, keep reading this blog all this week for updates on Pastor Troy's return to Lima - along with 32 of our friends from FRC in Florida! It's going to an extremely busy and extremely exciting week, especially with the two service projects we have planned. Stay tuned for further details all through the week!


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