Saturday, October 27, 2007

Halloween Outreach in Lima

On Sunday morning at FRC Lima, we will have the special Halloween-themed invitation cards for you to distribute to children and families in your neighborhood on October 31.

The cards look awesome! They are orange and black, have a Halloween theme, and feature lots of info about FRC Lima, including service times, location, website address, and office telephone number. We have them available in both English and Spanish. Be sure to take a ton of them to distribute to the children (and parents) in your neighborhood on October 31 and afterward!

Also remember to join us on Halloween, Wednesday, October 31, at 5:00 PM outside of Cineplanet Alcazar in Ovalo Gutierrez, as we go around the neighborhoods surrounding the cinema and distribute candy and invitation cards to children and families! Let's make Halloween the time for a major outreach here in Lima!


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