Wednesday, February 28, 2007


We are in Iquitos for a couple of days this week. I love Iquitos! It is very hot, sometimes over 40 degrees Celcius, but the jungle is such a beautiful and exotic place to visit. The Charapas are honest and friendly people, and there is a tranquility in the city that doesn't exist in Lima. And it's always awesome to take a boat ride down the Amazon River and visit our friends in the tribes of the Boras and the Yaguas, and then also visit our other good friend, a 6-meter-long anaconda that lives nearby!

We have a vision of planting a Flamingo Road Church in Iquitos some day. Please join us in praying that one day soon it will become a reality!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Congratulations, Couples!

We want to congratulate the 4 couples that renewed their wedding vows this morning at Flamingo Road Church in Lima! They are:

Alejandro and Patricia Moron
Flavio and Ofelia Tejada
David and Idida Santos
Ivan and Mariana Santos

Thanks to each of you for being willing to publicly re-commit your lives to each other before God. May God abundantly bless each of you and your lives together as husbands and wives!

Friday, February 23, 2007

LIFE and Money

On Saturday night at 7:00 PM in the LIFE small group at Hotel Las Palmeras de San Isidro, we will be discussing the subject of money. ABBA sang, "Money, Money, Money." Cyndi Lauper sang "Money Changes Everything." The Beatles sang, "Can't Buy Me Love." Right now in court in Florida, several people are fighting over Anna Nicole Smith's body, and also over the paternity of her baby daughter, and mainly because of the hundreds of millions of dollars that may be at stake. Money, money, money.

How can a person control his or her money, without his or her money controlling him or her? We'll see what the Bible says. Come Saturday night at 7:00 PM to Hotel Las Palmeras and find out!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Soccer Balls, Regret, and Wedding Vows Renewals!

This Sunday morning is going to be jam-packed with excitement at Flamingo Road Church in Lima!

First off, we are going to have lots of soccer balls there. Do you want to know why? Then come and find out, and you might even wind up taking one home!

Also, we will be continuing the Tattooed series with a great message by Troy about regret. Is your life "Tattooed" by regret? Doe regret mark your life? Do you ever wish that you could erase that tattoo of regret? If your answer is yes, then this message is for you!

We also will be having a wedding vow renewal ceremony on Sunday morning! As part of the service, 8 couples will be renewing their wedding vows, as a way of publically re-commiting themselves to their spouses. Since this of course calls for celebration, we also will have a wedding cake, flowers, photos, etc. You are going to love it! If you are married, and you and your spouse would like to be part of the wedding vow renewal service, then please respond to this blog ASAP or call us at 441-1837 for more information.

We'll see you on Sunday!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Florida Retreat

Last week I had the opportunity to travel to Florida to be part of a retreat for all of the campus pastors of Flamingo Road Church. It was an awesome time. We spent 3 days together, praying, talking, discussing, planning, brainstorming, and dreaming ... of everything we can do to help people reach their God-potential in South Florida and in Peru.

It was a very valuable time together, and I know that many of the things I learned will help FRC Lima have a greater impact here in Peru.

No matter what your job is - whether you are a pastor, teacher, lawyer, engineer, doctor, nurse, or something else - it is always a good idea to schedule some time to get away from the rat race of life, breathe deeply, chill out, spend time in prayer, and listen to God telling you what the next steps in your life should be. A retreat is always a good way to do this. The FRC campus pastors' retreat was a very enriching period of time, and I was blessed to be a part of it.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Coffee Beans

I love Peruvian coffee. It is strong, it is delicious, and it is one of the best coffees in the entire world.

You are just like a coffee bean. So am I. How is this possible? Come on Sunday and find out!

Sunday morning at 10:00 AM at Cineplanet Alcazar in Ovalo Gutierrez, you'll find out why you are like a coffee bean - and why that's a good thing! Join us for a very important teaching lesson that will change the way that you look at your life.

We'll see you on Sunday morning at 10:00 AM at Cineplanet Alcazar in Ovalo Gutierrez!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

LIFE and Love

This Saturday night at 7:00 PM at our LIFE small group at Hotel Las Palmeras in San Isidro, we will be discussing love. What is love? What is not love? What does the Bible say about love? What's love got to do with it?

We will be focusing on the famous love chapter found in 1 Corinthians 13. This chapter tells us a lot about what love is, and what love is not. Come and join us, and bring a friend. All are welcome. We'll see you on Saturday night at 7:00 PM at Hotel Las Palmeras!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

More Greeters and Ushers Needed!

We had an awesome time on Sunday morning in our first service at Cineplanet Alcazar!

We had a great turnout, and everyone who was there loved the new atmosphere, the big screen being used for the video teaching, the great music and audio, the super-comfortable cinema seats, the air conditioning, the new pre-school and children's ministry ... it's a great blessing and it's really exciting for FRC Lima to be in Cineplanet Alcazar!

If you weren't there on Sunday, then come this Sunday, when we will be discussing "Coffee House Doors" and how you can be of more service to God and others. You don't want to miss it!

Also, as we continue to expand and as more people continue to come to FRC Lima each week, this means that we need more volunteers to help us out! This means YOU!

We need additional volunteers in all areas, Worship; Computer and Video; Design and Set-Up; Tear-Down; Food; Pre-School and Children's Ministry; and Small Groups, but we most urgently need more volunteers in the area of Greeters and Ushers. We need more of you to offer a big smile and handshake to folks as they enter the doors on Sunday morning. It's easy work - the only requirement is that you are friendly! We need you to help us out as a Greeter or Usher. We know that you will love doing it. If you want to know more, leave a comment on this blog, or call us at 441-1837. Thanks in advance for volunteering, and we'll see you on Sunday morning at 10:00 AM at Cineplanet Alcazar!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Bedroom Doors

This Sunday at 10:00 AM at Cineplanet Alcazar in Ovalo Gutierrez, we will continue the Doors series, and this week the teaching will be about Bedroom Doors, and specifically how to improve your relationships. Too many relationships fall apart too easily, and it's seen in the ever-increasing number of divorces, separations, affairs, broken homes, and broken hearts.

Come this Sunday morning at 10:00 AM to Cineplanet Alcazar for FRC Lima, and learn what you can do to improve the relationship you are in. We'll see you there!

LIFE and Friends

This Saturday night at our LIFE Youth Small Group, we are going to be discussing the issue of friends.

Friends can make you or break you. They can lift you up or bring you down. They can cause you to be a big success or a big failure. They can lead you to the corner office or to prison.

The friends you choose will play a big role in your future. It's important to have the right friends. We will discuss friends on Saturday night at 7:00 PM at Hotel Las Palmeras in San Isidro, on the 7th floor. We'll see you there ... and bring your friends!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Free Parking At Cineplanet Alcazar On Sundays!

We're happy to announce that FRC Lima will be offering free parking on Sundays at Cineplanet Alcazar in Ovalo Gutierrez!

Simply park in the underground parking garage at Ovalo Gutierrez (operated by Central Parking System), show us your parking ticket after the service at FRC Lima, and we will hand you a voucher which will be valid for free parking in the underground parking garage until 1:00 PM every Sunday.

We'll see you on Sunday at 10:00 AM at Cineplanet Alcazar!