Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"Conflict" in Lima!

This Sunday morning there's going to be a lot of conflict in the cinema! In both services!


Because this Sunday morning we're showing Part 3 of our new series "The Bed", and this Sunday morning we're going to learn more about what to do when there's conflict in your relationship.

What do you do when you're facing conflict in your relationship?

Do you try to resolve the conflict?

Or do you just try to win the argument?

Join us this Sunday morning in both services at the cinema, and learn how to resolve conflict in your relationship. It's a priceless teaching! Be sure to invite all your family and friends!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

"The Bed" in Lima!

Join us this Sunday at the cinema as we kick off a brand-new teaching series called "The Bed." This impactful new series deals with interpersonal relationships, including the relationship when you are married, relationships when you are single, the role of children in relationships, and the role of finances in a relationship. It's an off-the-chain series of teachings, so be sure to come, and bring your family and friends!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

More Leaders For Lima and Iquitos!

As we mentioned after Pastor Troy's special teaching last Sunday, we are looking for more people to step forward as leaders and to help us develop a second campus in Lima and also a campus in Iquitos. This could mean you!

We are praying and planning for a second campus on the other side of Lima, in Monterrico, Surco, or La Molina. There are a lot of English speakers that live in that part of Lima (and many of them already attend FRC-Lima at the cinema), and it's close to Jockey Plaza, the University of Lima, the US Embassy, Colegio Roosevelt, Colegio Markham, and Colegio Newton, so it'd be a great location for a second FRC campus in Lima! If you live in or around that area, and would like to help us lead out for a second campus in that area, then please e-mail me at:

As well, we are praying and planning for more small groups and a campus on or near the Plaza de Armas in Iquitos. If you know people in Iquitos that could serve as leaders there for us, then also please send me an e-mail at my e-mail address listed above. Thanks to those of you who gave us contact leads last Sunday after the services!

It's exciting to be a part of the great things that God is doing in Peru, using Flamingo Road Church, so join us and be a part of it!

Monday, April 14, 2008

New Small Groups In Lima!

We're excited to announce that we have started new small groups this week in Lima, including two small groups (one in English and one in Spanish) right at the cinema on Sunday mornings!

If you would like to join a small group in Lima or, even better yet, if you'd like to host or lead a small group, then please e-mail our FRC-Lima Small Groups Director, Andres Ceron, for more information, at

Be a part of the FRC-Lima community and join a small group today!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Spanning The Globe

We were so excited by Pastor Troy's special teaching this morning for FRC-Lima, in which he challenged us to get more involved in order to help more people become Christ followers and to reach their God-potential, in all of Lima, in all of Peru, in all of South America, and in all of the world! Right after the service, people came up to me and told me about friends and family that they knew in Iquitos, Chile, Argentina, and the United Arab Emirates, all possible contacts for future FRC small groups and full campuses! Join us here at FRC-Lima as we pray and plan through all of this. It's exciting to know that we have the monumental opportunity to be a part of the big things that God is doing in Lima, in Peru, in South America, and all across the globe!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Lima Vision!

Join us this Sunday in both services at the cinema as Pastor Troy shares more of his vision and dream for Flamingo Road Church in Lima. We have an enormous opportunity to help people become Christ followers, and to reach their God potential, not just here in Lima, and not even just here in Peru, but throughout South America and throughout the world! That is the challenge before us. That is the challenge that God has presented to us.

Be sure to be with us this Sunday morning at the cinema for this very impactful and very challenging teaching, and be sure to invite your family, your neighbors, and your friends!

Friday, April 04, 2008

In The Name Of Love

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the death of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., and we want to pause for a moment to remember Dr. King and the civil rights battle that he undertook before he was felled by an assassin's bullet on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee.

When I think of Dr. King, I am reminded of two verses:

Revelation 7:9 (NIV) - "I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language."

Galatians 3:28 (NIV) - "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

Heaven will be a rainbow of colors, featuring people from every nation, race, and ethnicity, and all because of the fact that we are all one in Christ Jesus. Such Christ-centered unity was the hallmark of Dr. King, and it is what he fought and died for, all in the name of love.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Miracles This Sunday @ FRC-Lima!

Be sure to join us this Sunday morning at the cinema as we present a very special teaching by Pastor Troy about miracles!

Many people in this world - and sadly including some Christ followers - believe that miracles don't exist anymore, but we're here to tell the world that they definitely do, and you can experience them!

Be sure to be at the cinema this Sunday morning for this dynamic teaching, and get ready to experience a miracle in your life!