Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Get Ready For The Halloween Outreach!

It's time to get ready for the big FRC Lima Halloween Outreach!

Tomorrow is Wednesday, October 31 - Halloween - and we're really excited about this awesome opportunity that we have to reach children and families here in Lima!

Remember that if you are giving out candy to children who knock at your door on Halloween, then also please give the children, as well as any adults who are with them, the orange and black FRC Lima invitation cards that we gave you on Sunday at the cinema.

Remember, too, that you also have the option to join us tomorrow afternoon at 5:00 PM outside Cineplanet Alcazar in Ovalo Gutierrez, as we visit all the neighborhoods around the cinema and hand out candy and FRC Lima invitation cards to all the children and families that we encounter.

It's going to be a fun and fantastic time tomorrow! Let's take advantage of this great Halloween opportunity that we have to reach Lima!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Halloween Outreach in Lima

On Sunday morning at FRC Lima, we will have the special Halloween-themed invitation cards for you to distribute to children and families in your neighborhood on October 31.

The cards look awesome! They are orange and black, have a Halloween theme, and feature lots of info about FRC Lima, including service times, location, website address, and office telephone number. We have them available in both English and Spanish. Be sure to take a ton of them to distribute to the children (and parents) in your neighborhood on October 31 and afterward!

Also remember to join us on Halloween, Wednesday, October 31, at 5:00 PM outside of Cineplanet Alcazar in Ovalo Gutierrez, as we go around the neighborhoods surrounding the cinema and distribute candy and invitation cards to children and families! Let's make Halloween the time for a major outreach here in Lima!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Back To Sunday

It was an interesting weekend here in Lima, with the special Saturday morning services and then the national census on Sunday. It was kind of neat, in a way, to do weekend services on a Saturday morning and be finished with them by mid-day on Saturday, and then to have the rest of the weekend to rest, relax, and watch the Miami Dolphins get steamrolled by the New England Patriots. Even here in Lima, it wasn't pretty to watch.

I hope that everyone did well with the census-takers on Sunday. We had an older woman and a younger man tag-team us on Sunday morning. They were both very friendly, although they didn't seem to understand many parts of the census, and so we had to do a lot of it ourselves. But it was painless, and they liked the coffee and cookies that we had for them.

Don't forget that this weekend we return to our normal Sunday morning services at the cinema, with the Spanish service at 9:00 AM on Sunday morning and the English service at 10:30 AM. There are no more Saturday morning services, or at least not until the next national census or presidential election.

This Sunday we wil feature special live teaching in both the Spanish and English services, since Pastor Troy is away on vacation for a couple of weeks. We will continue on with the MyNakedPastor.com series, and we will learn more about what it means to be real, authentic, and transparent in our relationship with Christ. We'll look more at why we are not authentic a lot of the time, and we'll re-visit the issues of fighting, anger, and fatigue in life. Make sure to invite your family, friends, and neighbors as we return to Sunday mornings at the cinema!

Friday, October 19, 2007

See You Saturday!

Remember that this weekend we will not have our regular Sunday morning services at the cinema on October 21, due to the national census in Peru that day.

Instead, we will have special Saturday morning services at the cinema on October 20, with the same service times: the Spanish service at 9:00 AM and the English service at 10:30 AM.

Invite your family and friends to be a part of these unique Saturday morning services!

We'll see you on Saturday morning at the cinema!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Halloween Outreach!

Be sure to be with us this SATURDAY MORNING at the cinema when we announce the plans that we have for our special HALLOWEEN OUTREACH on Wednesday, October 31, in Lima!

Halloween presents us with an outstanding opportunity to be like "the light that shines in the darkness" (John 1:5, NIV), and so we are going to take advantage of this unique opportunity to reach out to lots of children and families here in Lima on October 31. Be sure to come on SATURDAY MORNING to hear all the details of our special HALLOWEEN OUTREACH!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Special Saturday Morning Services!

Remember that this weekend we will not be having any services on Sunday morning, October 21, at the cinema, due to the national census in Peru that day.

Instead, we will be having special Saturday morning services on October 20 at the cinema. We will have the same service times: the Spanish service at 9:00 AM and the English service at 10:30 AM.

The special Saturday morning services are for October 20 only. We will return to our regular Sunday morning services at the cinema on October 28.

This is a great opportunity to invite people to FRC Lima who have never attended before. Let's take advantage of this unique Saturday morning opportunity!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Iquitos Update!

I recently spoke with Pastor Samuel in Iquitos. He is the pastor of the daughter church that we support in Iquitos. He visits the Yaguas, the Boras, and other native tribes along the Amazon River in the jungle, and brings the Good News of Jesus to them. He and his wife, Selmia, also are involved in literacy training with the tribes, since almost all of the women in the tribes cannot read or write. Samuel and Selmia are doing a fantastic job in the jungle with the tribes.

While we were talking, Samuel told me that last Saturday he headed up a night-long vigil for members of the Yaguas, the Boras, and another tribe from San Andres. In total, over 70 members from the three different tribes were all together at the tribal site of the Yaguas, and they all spent the night together singing, worshipping, and praising God. What an awesome experience! Tribe members who used to war against each other are now all together, in peace, worshipping and praising and singing to our God! I definitely want to be a part of the next multi-tribe vigil in Iquitos!

Thursday, October 11, 2007


This Sunday morning at FRC Lima, we will be celebrating Communion ("Santa Cena") in both the English and the Spanish services. I like to say that we "celebrate" Communion, because we truly are celebrating the fact that Jesus Christ paid the price on the cross for our sins, and in doing so He gave us the hope and promise of eternal life with Him. That's something that's truly worth celebrating!

Communion at FRC Lima is open to anyone who is a follower of Christ. It doesn't matter which denomination you belong to, or whether or not you have yet to be baptized.

Please be sure to join us this Sunday morning for this very special Communion celebration in both services!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


This Sunday morning at FRC Lima, Pastor Troy will be teaching about insecurity. We are all insecure, although some much more than others. It's really just a matter of degrees. King David suffered from insecurity, and he has some very interesting things to say about this topic, particularly in Psalm 139. If you suffer from insecurity, then be sure to come! If you have friends or family members who suffer from insecurity, then be sure to invite them!

9:00 AM - Spanish Service

10:30 AM - English Service


Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Lunch With The Girls

Dorcas and I had a great lunch today. Why? Because we went to La Victoria, picked up 11 of our young friends that we did the "Extreme Makeover" for, packed all of them in our 4x4 (13 people total!), went with them to Wong's Supermarket, picked up a bunch of chicken, french fries, Pepsi, 7-Up, plus some other Peruvian delicacies such as "aji de gallina" (shredded chicken in a yellow chili pepper sauce), "arroz con pollo" (chicken with rice), and "tallerines criollos" (Peruvian-style noodles), and then went back to our house for lunch. We also made sure to get a cake and some ice cream, since today was Romina's birthday! Everyone had a blast! We ate, watched videos, hung out, ate some more, watched the golfers across the street, looked at all the cool jungle stuff in my office (10-foot-long anaconda skin, 1-foot-long piranha, tribal masks, etc.), looked at Dorcas' collection of Winnie the Pooh bears, and then topped it all off by singing "Happy Birthday" to Romina, in English and in Spanish, and then devouring a lot of cake and ice cream. 11 little girls had a really fun afternoon. So did we.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I Get Tired!

Everyone is tired. The whole world is tired. How often do you meet someone, ask how he or she is doing, and hear a response such as: "I'm great! Full of energy! Can't wait to get working!" 99 times out of 100, that is not what you are going to hear. Instead, you usually hear something along the likes of: "I'm exhausted! I have so much to do, and not enough time to do it! My husband/wife/kids/parents/in-laws/neighbors/boss/colleagues/teachers/students are driving me crazy! I can't take it anymore!"

Well, the good news is that this Sunday at the cinema, Pastor Troy will be teaching about what you should do when you get tired. We all get tired, and the enemy will attack you when you are tired, as that is when you are vulnerable and in a position to make bad decisions or wrong choices. Tiredness is a fact of life, and so we need to know what to do with it, how to handle it, and what the Bible says about it.

Be sure to come this Sunday. Invite your friends, family members, relatives, in-laws, neighbors, bosses, and co-workers who are tired to come, too. The teaching will be just the pick-me-up that you need to reach your God-potential and live at a sustainable pace of life.

9:00 AM - Spanish Service - Sala 2 - Cineplanet Alcazar at Ovalo Gutierrez

10:30 AM - English Service - Sala 2 - Cineplanet Alcazar at Ovalo Gutierrez
