Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sign Up!

There's a ton of stuff to sign up for at FRC Lima:

1. Beach Baptism, Saturday, December 8, Playa Santa Maria - We will leave the cinema at 11:00 AM on December 8 to go to Playa Santa Maria for the beach baptism. Sign up to be baptized, or to attend if you already have been baptized.

2. Music Auditions, Sunday, December 2 and Sunday, December 9, in the cinema - We will have auditions for singers and musicians the next two Sundays at 12:00 PM in the cinema, right after the end of the English service. If you are going to audition, please be prepared to sing a song or to play an instrument.

3. Pachacutec, Saturday, December 15 - We will leave the cinema at 12:00 PM on December 15 to go to the shantytown of Pachacutec for a "chocolatada" featuring paneton, hot chocolate, cold chocolate, and Christmas gifts.

Be sure to be at FRC Lima this Sunday as we continue The Domino Effect, and sign up for the beach baptism, the music auditions, and the mission trip to Pachacutec!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving With The Girls (And Boys)!

We just returned from a wonderful afternoon!

We went to the home where we did the Extreme Makeover back in September, and we hosted a Thanksgiving dinner for all of our young friends there, and we also invited the boys from the nearby boy's orphanage to join us!

In total, there were about 40 boys and girls seated around a very long dinner table. Before dinner began, I explained to everyone about the Pilgrims and the origins of Thanksgiving, and how it is a day in which we give thanks to God for His provisions to us during the past year. After I finished, I asked if any of the boys or girls would like to give thanks for something, and about 10-15 of the children raised their hands, stood up, and told everyone what they were thankful for! Then we all feasted on roast turkey with a very special red Peruvian gravy, mashed potatoes, and rice. For dessert, we all enjoyed "arroz con leche" and carrot cake.

I want to thank our friend, Carol, for preparing the scrumptious mashed potatoes for us, and I also want to thank Bill, Jennifer, Monique, Kim, Xenia, Ruthie, David, and Caleb from FRC Lima, all who came and volunteered to serve our 40 young friends. We had an awesome time eating, singing, and hanging out together. We're so thankful that God has brought such precious young friends into our lives!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to you!

If, for whatever reason, you're having trouble today trying to think of things to be thankful for, then please read the words found in Isaiah 53:5 (TNIV), "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed."

U2 sang about the same theme in "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" with lyrics such as: "You broke the bones and you loosed the chains, carried the cross of my shame."

Too frequently it's easy for us to become so self-absorbed and so self-obsessed that we fail to recognize God's grace, mercy, love, and provision in our lives. If that's where you find yourself on this Thanksgiving Day, then re-read the words of Isaiah 53:5, and focus on the price that Jesus Christ the Messiah paid for you and me.

By his wounds we are healed. He carried the cross of our shame. It's the greatest thing that we can be thankful for on this day to give thanks.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Surrender Or Fight?

This Sunday at FRC Lima we will be continuing our exciting new series called "The Domino Effect." This weekend we will be learning more about what to do when we have made bad decisions in our lives, and how we need to surrender to holiness and not try to fight sin and the enemy by ourselves. It is an important and impactful teaching, so be sure to come, and bring a friend!

As well, since we are celebrating Thanksgiving this week, on Sunday we will feature Thanksgiving testimonies from people at FRC Lima in both services.

Finally, this Sunday is another opportunity for you to sign up for our beach baptism at Playa Santa Maria on Saturday, December 8, and also for our mission trip to the shantytown of Pachacutec on Saturday, December 15.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Wanted: More Singers and Musicians!

On Sunday, December 2, and Sunday, December 9, we will be holding auditions for singers and musicians. If you have musical talent, then this is your chance to join the Mag Team at FRC Lima!

We need more singers and musicians because we keep growing, and because we have added the Spanish service, and because we need to add more members to the great worship team that we already have in place.

On Sunday, December 2, and Sunday, December 9, the music auditions will be held at 12:00 PM, right in the cinema, right after the end of the English service. Be prepared to sing a song or play an instrument at the audition.

Put your musical talents to work at FRC Lima! You'll be a great blessing to hundreds of people!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Beach Baptism Sign-Up

We're very excited about the people that have already signed up to be baptized at Playa Santa Maria on Saturday, December 8! This Sunday morning, after each service, you'll have another opportunity to sign up for the beach baptism, so be sure to do so if you're a Christ follower and have yet to be baptized! Sign up and join us for a great day of baptism and celebration at Playa Santa Maria on Saturday, December 8!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Domino Effect

Join us this Sunday at FRC Lima as we launch our exciting new series called "The Domino Effect."

In this series, we will learn what to do when we have made bad decisions in our lives. This weekend we will focus on the role of guilt, sorrow, and forgiveness after we have made a bad decision. It's a very impactful teaching, so be sure to come, and bring your friends and family!

Friday, November 09, 2007

New Spanish Translation!

Join us this Sunday morning in the Spanish service at 9:00 AM as we unveil our new Spanish translation!

We think you will like this new translation in the Spanish service - and we especially hope that you like the new "cholo-gringo" accent that you will hear!

Check out the new "cholo-gringo" translation this Sunday morning at 9:00 AM in the Spanish service at FRC Lima!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Beach Baptism!

This Sunday at FRC Lima, you'll have the opportunity to sign up for our Beach Baptism at Playa Santa Maria on Saturday, December 8!

Many of you remember the beach baptism that we had last March at Playa Santa Maria. 11 people were baptized, and it was an awesome time. Well, we're going back on Saturday, December 8! If you are a Christ follower and have not yet been baptized, then this is your big opportunity to do so! Sign up this Sunday to be baptized at Playa Santa Maria, or to come along and cheer on those that will be baptized! Let's have a huge crowd on Saturday, December 8 at Playa Santa Maria!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Time To Put Our Clothes Back On

This Sunday morning will be the final teaching in the series at FRC Lima. We've had a great time with this series, and we've learned so much about what it really means to be a transparent and authentic follower of Christ. You might say that it's time to put our clothes back on, even as we strive to continue to be "naked" and transparent in our Christian walk. I guess we really need to be clothed and "naked" at the same time.

Friday, November 02, 2007


Join us this Sunday morning at FRC Lima as we have another special live teaching in both the English and Spanish services. This Sunday we will be learning about temptation. Who is tempted? What are the different types of temptation? What is the difference between saying yes or no to temptation? Where is God when you are tempted? We will discuss these and other temptation-related issues this Sunday in both the English and Spanish services. Invite your friends and family, and we'll see you on Sunday morning at the cinema!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

A Great Halloween Outreach!

We had an awesome time last night at our big Halloween Outreach here in Lima!

People distributed candy and FRC Lima cards at their homes, and we also distributed a ton of candy and FRC Lima invitation cards in and around Ovalo Gutierrez and in and around Parque Central (formerly known as Parque Kennedy) in Miraflores. In total, about 1,000 bags of candy and FRC Lima invitation cards were distributed as part of our Halloween Outreach here in Lima.

Thank so much to everyone who distributed candy and invitation cards at home, and thank so much as well to everyone who helped us distribute candy and cards in and around Ovalo Gutierrez and Parque Central, including Xenia, Grace, Norma, Pati, Margarita, Adele, David, Idida, Ivan, Mariana, ... and Marce, who worked the hardest of anyone!

Let's pray that there's a huge return on this big Halloween Outreach investment!