Friday, February 29, 2008

A Conversation With The Chief Of The Boras!

On Thursday night at about 9:00 PM the phone rang in our home here in Lima, and on the other end of the line was my friend, Liborio, the chief of the Bora tribe in Iquitos!

On one of our prior trips to Iquitos I gave Liborio my FRC business card and also gave him our home phone number, then yesterday someone loaned him a cellphone, and so he called me from the jungle!

It was great to hear from Liborio. He is a young man, probably around 30 years old. His father had been the chief of the Boras for many years, but then his father died, and his father selected Liborio, from among all his sons, to be the new chief of the Boras after his death.

We talked about our trip to Iquitos next week, and the Amazon River baptism that we will have on Tuesday, March 4. Liborio was very excited to talk about the trip and the baptism, and he will be making sure that the Boras are well represented at the baptism.

It's not every day that you receive a phone call from the chief of a native tribe in the Amazon jungle, and so yesterday's phone call was something very special!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

VBS = Success!

We had a fantastic VBS@KFC this week!

Close to 100 kids attended over the course of 3 afternoons, and 28 kids accepted Christ! Mariana and her team did an absolutely awesome job putting it all together, and the kids (and parents) loved every minute of the singing, dancing, playing, drawing, coloring, learning, and eating!

We're going to have our next VBS@KFC in July, during the school vacation time which occurs around Fiestas Patrias at the end of that month. Mark your calendar now, and be sure to join us for the sequel to the coolest VBS anywhere!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Get Ready For VBS@KFC!

VBS@KFC is ready to rock and roll!

Tomorrow, February 25, is our big kick-off. We have already got a ton of kids signed up to be part of the coolest VBS ever, full of fun, games, music, dance, video, Bible lessons, and of course fried chicken!

VBS@KFC runs from 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. on February 25-27 at the KFC on Av. Comandante Espinar 240 in Miraflores. We're already jam-packed with kids, but we may be able to shoehorn in one or two more if you still want to register at the door. We'll see you on Monday at 4:00 P.M. for all the fun and games at VBS@KFC!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

All Kinds Of Baptisms!

Yesterday was a historic day at Flamingo Road Church, as a woman named Alyssa became the first person ever to be baptized as part of the Internet campus!

Alyssa was in Georgia; her stepmother-in-law, Lisa, physically baptized her; Alyssa's bathtub was used as the baptistry; and FRC Internet Pastor Brian Vasil presided over the baptism from the FRC main campus in Cooper City, Florida!

It's amazing and exciting to see how we can use and leverage modern technology for God's glory!

It's also amazing and exciting to see the many different ways in which FRC is now baptizing people. Cooper City and other Florida campuses use the traditional baptismal pool; the Internet campus does it featuring the Internet Pastor in Cooper City and the baptism candidate somewhere else in the world; and here in Peru we use the Pacific Ocean and the Amazon River! In fact, in just 2 weeks we'll be baptizing a group of native tribespeople from 2 tribes in the Amazon River, and in just 4 weeks we'll be baptizing another group of FRC-Lima folks in the Pacific Ocean!

Whether it's via the Internet, or in a baptism pool, or in the Pacific Ocean, or in the Amazon River, God is always smiling any time that one of His children is submerged into water and then rises up afterward, echoing what Jesus did for us 2,000 years ago.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Sign Up Your Kids For VBS@KFC!

Our VBS@KFC is just one week away, so be sure to sign up your kids - and your friends' kids, and your neighbors' kids, and your colleagues' kids - ASAP!

Our VBS@KFC will be from 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. on February 25-27 at the KFC on Av. Comandante Espinar 240, just a few blocks from Cineplanet Alcazar. We already have a lot of kids signed up, and we only have space for about 30 kids each afternoon, so be sure to sign up ASAP!

Mariana and her team are doing an awesome job getting ready for our VBS@KFC, and it's going to be a fun-filled, action-acked time, loaded with games, videos, singing, dancing, Bible lessons, and of course fried chicken from KFC! Sign up today, and we'll see you next week for our VBS@KFC!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Garage Sale Success!

We had a great time on Saturday at our Garage Sale to benefit the Hospital de Neoplasicas in San Borja!

It was a very hot day - as anyone who was there can attest! - but there were lots of buyers and sellers and we raised nearly US$400 for the hospital!

Thanks so much to everyone who came out in the extreme heat to buy, sell, and show a little bit of the testimony and love of FRC-Lima to the hospital and to all of Lima!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Garage Sale Tomorrow!

Be sure to join us tomorrow, Saturday, February 16, at our Garage Sale from 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. at Parque Caceres in San Isidro!

Parque Caceres is located on Block 5 of Av. Andres Reyes, in downtown San Isidro, and is just one block from Av. Las Begonias, Ripley, Saga Falabella, 4D, and Starbucks. It's very easy to find, and of course you'll see our Garage Sale signs there.

Many people have asked us if they can still sell items at the Garage Sale, even if they did not register on Sunday. The answer is yes! Just bring your items on Saturday morning, and be sure to price all items yourself. Be sure to keep the prices reasonable, as our goal is to sell everything, and we don't want you to have to carry anything back home afterward! We will begin the set up in Parque Caceres at 9:00 A.M., one hour before the Garage Sale officially opens.

We'll see you tomorrow morning at Parque Caceres in San Isidro for the Garage Sale! Bring your family and friends for some great deals!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Urban Cafe

We are pleased to announce that we have reached a deal with Urban Cafe, our neighbor on the first floor of the cinema building.

Urban Cafe now will be selling snacks and drinks in the lobby on the third floor of the cinema after every FRC-Lima service, and I can tell you from personal experience that their empanadas and brownies are awesome! In return, Urban Cafe is graciously allowing us to promote Flamingo Road Church-Lima in their cafe on the first floor. Right now we have placed our promotional cards there, and we are talking to the management of Urban Cafe about other joint promotions in coming weeks and months.

Please be sure to support Urban Cafe on Sundays after each service, and also be sure to thank them for their willingness to partner with us at Flamingo Road Church-Lima!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Garage Sale This Saturday!

This Saturday, February 16, is the big day as we team up with Flamingo Road church campuses and small groups all over the globe for the World's Biggest Garage Sale!

Join us here in Lima from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Parque Caceres in San Isidro. If you are going to be selling items, please be sure that they are in good condition, and be sure to put your own prices on them. Make sure that the prices are reasonable, as we want to sell everything!

We're really excited about this garage sale and this opportunity to be a witness to Lima and especially to the doctors, nurses, staff, and patients at the Hospital de Neoplasicas!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Thank You, Girls!

I want to say thank you very much to all 23 of my young friends who live at the home where we did the extreme makeover last year. Yesterday, my young friends threw me a great birthday party at the home, and we all had a fantastic time together!

We had delicious aji de gallina for lunch (that's shredded hen meat in a mildly-spicy yellow pepper sauce, for all you gringos out there reading this, served together with sliced yellow potatoes and white rice), we washed it down with chicha morada (purple corn juice), and then topped it all off with birthday cake and ice cream! What a tasty feast it was for all! And of course I absolutely loved the homemade poster which was presented to me, signed by all of the girls. I now have the poster proudly hanging in my office!

I had such a great time at my birthday party yesterday. I am so blessed to have 23 of the most special friends that anyone could have in this world!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Another Beach Baptism Coming Soon!

On Saturday, March 15, we will return to Playa Santa Maria for another beach baptism!

If you are a Christ-follower and have never been baptized, then this is your opportunity to do so. If you know of other Christ-followers who have never been baptized, then encourage them to take advantage of this opportunity to do so on Saturday, March 15.

Beach baptism registration forms will be available on Sunday morning at the cinema, so come and sign up to be baptized on March 15 at Playa Santa Maria!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Anniversary Cake!

This week marks FRC Lima's first anniversary at Cineplanet Alcazar, and that's a cause for celebration! So, this Sunday at the cinema we are going to have a special anniversary cake after both services to celebrate the big occasion! Be sure to be there, and be sure to invite all of your family, friends, and neighbors to be a part of our special 1-year anniversary celebration! We'll see you on Sunday at the cinema - with cake!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Big news: our summer vacation Bible school in Lima is going to be held at KFC!

We're really excited about this, and all of the kids who have already signed up are even more pumped about it!

The FRC Lima KidZone VBS will be held from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM on February 25-27 on the second floor of the KFC located on Av. Comandante Espinar 240 in Miraflores. This KFC is located just a few blocks from the cinema, and the kids are going to have a rocking time there! The second floor of the KFC features a huge play area, complete with games and rides, and we're going to take over that space for three great afternoons! We're going to have music, games, video, dance, Bible lessons, creative arts, and of course fried chicken!

Be sure to come to FRC Lima this Sunday to register your child or children along with all of their friends. Space is limited, so you need to sign up as soon as possible!

We'll see you soon for VBS@KFC!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Garage Sale

Next Sunday we will begin the exciting new teaching series called "Garage Sale" and, as we have been announcing, as part of the new series we will be participating in The World's Biggest Garage Sale along with all of the other campuses of Flamingo Road Church. This Garage Sale will be taking place in various cities and countries around the world!

The FRC Lima Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, February 16, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, at Parque Caceres in San Isidro. Many thanks to all of you who already have registered to sell your items at the Garage Sale. We also are looking for many more people and families to register to sell items, so if you would like to be a part of this historic, worldwide, record-breaking Garage Sale, then please send me an e-mail at or call me at 441-1837 for more registration information.

Please remember that all proceeds from the FRC Lima Garage Sale will be donated to the Hospital de Neoplasicas in Lima, and will be used for cancer research and treatment at that hospital. The Garage Sale is an awesome opportunity for all of us here at FRC Lima to reach out to this entire city in a very unique and a very generous way, so be sure to be a part of it and sell your items!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Muchisimas Gracias!

I just want to say "Muchisimas Gracias!" to everyone who was there at the birthday lunch for me yesterday. I had a wonderful time, and it was very touching to see so many people from FRC Lima there. Thanks so much for the great Peruvian lunch, plus the great gifts, and of course the awesome birthday cake! It's great to have such friends, and it's exciting to be part of what God is doing through FRC in Lima and throughout Peru!