Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Love Sign To The Discouraged

The start of a new year is a time of hope and expectation for many people, but for others it can be a time of anxiety, depression and discouragement as they fearfully or pessimistically ponder what bricks the new year is going to drop on their head.

Does this describe you?

Are you filled with dread, not optimism, about 2008?

This Sunday at FRC Lima we will be featuring a very special teaching called "Love Sign To The Discouraged." You may have faced a very difficult 2007, and you don't look forward to 2008. You may feel lower than Jonah in the big fish at the bottom of the sea, full of negativity, full of pessimism, full of discouragement. If so, then this teaching is tailor-made for you, and for anybody else that you know that is feeling the same way.

U2, Frank Sinatra, and Abraham Lincoln will all be featured in the teaching. Now there's a combo that you don't want to miss!

Come to the cinema this Sunday, and rise out of your swamp of discouragement!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

FRC Lima - A Benetton Church!

Recently a woman said to my wife, Dorcas, "FRC Lima is a Benetton church."

"What do you mean by that?" Dorcas asked her.

"I mean that FRC Lima is a Benetton church because it has people of every color and ethnicity in it - just like the United Colors of Benetton!"

Wow! We celebrate diversity big-time here at FRC Lima, and I recently wrote about how we have had people from 20 different countries and 3 different native Peruvian tribes attend our services, but that woman (who regularly attends FRC Lima) really hit the nail on the head with her great Benetton quote!

FRC Lima. A Benetton church. We are many different colors and ethnicities, but we are all united together under one, single Lord and Savior.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Pachacutec Christmas Video On YouTube!

We just posted our newest Pachacutec Christmas video on YouTube!

The video is from the Christmas party that we threw in the shantytown of Pachacutec, Peru, on December 15, 2007. 400 children attended our party. We had clowns, dancers, Winnie the Pooh, Papa Noel (also known as "Santa Claus" to all you gringos!), music, confetti, silly string, candy, cookies, chocolate, juice, and a ton of Christmas presents! For almost all of the kids that attended our party, these were the only Christmas gifts that they would receive this year.

You can watch our new Pachacutec Christmas video by going to, then search for "Flamingo Road Church", and go to Page 5 of the Flamingo Road Church videos. You'll find the new Pachacutec Christmas video there. Check it out, and show it to your family and friends!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2008 Plans For FRC Lima

Happy New Year! May God abundantly bless you in 2008!

Psalm 90:4 (TNIV) - "A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night."

2 Peter 3:8 (TNIV) - "With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day."

God willing, some of our plans for 2008 at FRC Lima include: more beach baptisms at Playa Santa Maria; a baptism in the Amazon River with tribe members from our daughter church in the jungle; more social projects in La Victoria and Pachacutec, possibly involving the clown corps of La Bola Roja; a summer Vacation Bible School; a summer weekend camp for youth; a mission project to build houses for earthquake survivors in Chincha; more concerts by the FRC Lima Band outside the cinema; more small groups all around Lima; a new-and-improved, high energy youth service; more mission groups from the various FRC campuses in South Florida; and a visit by Pastor Troy and his family, hopefully in June or July!

We can't wait to get started on all of these plans, so that we can serve, bless, and love on thousands of people in Lima and in the provinces! If God is willing, then so are we!